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BK Flagg
6 - 1
Dalby GIF
BK Flagg6 - 1Dalby GIF


Matchstart:sön 15 maj, 09:00
Plats:Dalhems IP A-plan
Matchnummer: 131103028
Aktivitetsinfo: Sammling 8.00   And for you Godfred, 7.45. All of you: come in time or watch the game from the Bench, your choice.

Ive taken som executive health decisions, which means some of you are out of the squad even so you are claiming to be playable. No, we are going into the final part of the league, and I need all of you all the way. So rest now, come back stronger.

Kelvins supersecret instructions are not coming here but seperat. Anyone who can do the cofeeshop?

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